California Clean Truck Check Mobile Service

Onsite commercial diesel truck testing and reporting to California Air Resources Board to stay in emissions compliance per CARB Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.

We come to you and get your truck CARB Compliant Onsite.

mobile clean truck check compliance

Our mobile technicians are CARB certified and credentialed testers with latest approved equipment to test, read and transfer emissions data to Clean Truck Check Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) database.

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program implemented by CARB

Starting January 1st 2025 California Air Resources Board HD I/M program will require all commercial vehicles with gross weight over 14,000 pounds to test emission control systems and submit a reading snap shot to CARB database.

Our Services

  • Mobile Clean Truck Check testing at your location.
  • On demand same day services available.
  • Instant reporting and updating test results using CTC-VIS system.
  • Update vehicle record with CARB and DMV to show compliance.

What Is Clean Truck Check?

Clean Truck Check is a program implemented by The California Air Resource Board (CARB) to provide significant reductions in smog-forming and carcinogenic toxic air pollution necessary to achieve federal air quality mandates and healthy air in California’s communities.

The action how the program works are following:

  • Periodic commercial vehicle testing requirements,
  • Other roadside emissions monitoring techniques,
  • Identification of vehicles in need of emissions related repairs,
  • Making sure any needed repairs are performed.

What Clean Truck Check program requires from you as Commercial Fleet Owner?

This program requires all commercial diesel, hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) over 14,000 pounds to be tested semi annually. And starting in 2027 quarterly testing will be mandatory to stay in compliance.

Commercial fleet owners or employees of a company may perform in house Clean Truck Check compliance testing on their own vehicles or hire out a credentialed testing company to do it for them. These rules apply to all California registered trucks and out of state vehicles operating withing the state of California.

Instructions on how to get your truck Clean Truck Check Compliant

  1. Create owner account at
  2. Pay vehicles annual compliance fee
  3. Get your vehicle tested by credentialed tester or CARB certified smog station.
  4. Pass emissions compliance test and results will be automatically submitted and will show up in your CTC-VIS owners account.
  5. Your vehicle is now Clean Truck Check Compliant.

Please note if you are trying to get compliance certificate ASAP, keep in mind there are possible delays due to payment processing. Depending on the type of payment you may have to wait 1-7 business days. Credit or Debit card payments takes 1-2 business days. ECheck payments can take up 5-7 business days.

What Are The Requirements To Pass Clean Truck Check Emissions Testing and Inspection?

To successfully pass emissions test and obtain Clean Truck Check certificate vehicles must registered VIN in CTC-VIS database and meet specific requirement before testing can begin.

Who can perform Clean Truck Check compliance testing?

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance compliance testing must be performed by CARB credentialed tester who completed HD I/M training course, passed examination and received CARB Authorized Tester Certification. You can look up a list of currently HD I/M authorized testing facilities in your area on CTC-VIS portal.   

Mobile CARB Compliance Diesel Testing Near Me

Mobile on demand CARB compliance diesel testing service. We offer fast and professional San Diego Clean Truck Check emissions testing at your location. We come to your location in Southern California, the same or next day, carrying all necessary testing equipment and software to test and update your compliance certificate onsite. Testing available for 2013 year and newer vehicles with OBD J1937 and J1979 connectors.

Contact us with your CARB Compliance questions or to schedule mobile truck emissions testing appointment call (858) 255-1122.

Diesel Truck Emissions Compliance Testing

Diesel vehicles over 14,000 pounds are subject to Clean Truck Check testing whether or they are equipped with OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) port or not.

OBD system equipped vehicles, usually it means 2013 and newer diesel engines, are required to undergo a scan of the engine’s emissions OBD data using a California Air Resources Board certified OBD testing device and software. 

Diesel vehicles without OBD, meaning 2012 and older diesel engines, are required to test by completing a smoke opacity test and a visual inspection of the emissions control equipment – Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection.

We Come To You

We offer all in one mobile CARB compliance testing and other related services. Onsite service at your location – means convenience for your fleet and saving valuable time. Available CTC-VIS account setup assistance, passing certification and